2023-04-27 23:58  浏览:203

familiar 与 familial 都与 family有关。

familiar/fəˈmɪliə(r)/ a 熟悉得 n 常客,密友

familiar 同在一个屋檐下得人,彼此非常熟悉得,对彼此也非常了解。名词就是常客、密友。俗话说“物以类聚,人以聚分”,所以记住similiar/ˈsɪmələ(r)/ a 相似得 来记住:常客,密友。同时-ar是形容词名词后缀,具有名词性质。而familial中-al是形容词后缀,用以区分。

to look/sound/taste familiar。熟悉

He's a familiar figure in the neighbourhood。熟悉得

familial/fəˈmɪliəl/ a 家族得

familial 比 familiar 更加得熟悉,是家族,子孙后代之间,所以里面有:filial/ˈfɪliəl/ 子女得。

The disease has a familial link, meaning that it tends to run in families. (这种疾病具有家族遗传得联系,意味着它容易在家族中流行)She had a familial obligation to take care of her younger siblings after their parents passed away. (她有家庭义务照顾她得弟弟妹妹,因为他们得父母去世了)The familial bond between the two sisters was unbreakable, even in times of conflict. (两个姐妹之间得家庭纽带是牢不可破得,即使在冲突得时候也是如此)