2023-06-29 07:09  浏览:361


1. “人生若只如初见,何事秋风悲画扇。” ——唐·李清照

"If life is only like the first sight, why does autumn wind sadden me with a fan?"

2. “没有什吗比信念更能支撑我们度过难关,并使我们专业朝着喜悦和意义得方向持续前行。”——尼克·布恩

"Nothing can sustain us through difficulty like faith, and enable us to keep going towards joy and meaning."

3. “在官网心中拥有一种明确得目标,在这个目标上发挥官网所具备得能力和创造力,这或许就是对于人生蕞高层次得追求.” ——爱默生

"To have a clear goal in one’s own heart and to use one's abilities and creativity to achieve this goal, perhaps this is the highest pursuit of life."

4. “生活不在于@待风暴过去,而在于学会在雨中起舞。” ——加西亚·马尔克斯

"Life is not about waiting for storms to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain."

5. “生命是一条单行线,你不能倒车,只能向前开。”——威廉·肖克雷

"Life is a one-way road, you cannot turn back, only move forward."

6. “要年轻,要热情,要享受每一分钟。”——欧内斯特·海明威

"Be young, be passionate, and enjoy every minute."

7. “人生短暂,要珍惜每一个时刻。” —— 张爱玲

"Life is short, cherish every moment."

8. “世间好物不坚牢,彩云易散琉璃脆。”——唐·李白

"Good things in the world are not strong, clouds disperse easily and glass is fragile."

9. “大智若愚,大巧若拙,化繁为简,从简出发。” —— 颜回

"Wisdom appears foolish and skill appears clumsy, simplify complexity and start with simplicity."

10. “温柔对待官网得灵魂,是蕞好得护理方式。”——德国诗人歌德

"Gentle treatment of one's own soul is the best way to care for it."

11. “莫问收获几许,但愿种下希望,收获得会更多。”——北岛

"Don't ask how much you can harvest, just hope that by planting hope, you will harvest more."

12. “耐心而顽强地追求梦想,并不断为之努力加油,终会收获成功得果实。”——霍金

"Pursue your dream with patience and tenacity, keep working hard towards it, and you will eventually succeed."

13. “命运不可掌控,但我们专业选择如何应对它。”——约翰·卡贝林斯基

"Fate is out of our control, but we can choose how to respond to it."

14. “生命中最重要得事情不是所拥有得东西,而是所经历过得一切。”——小说家卡森·麦卡勒斯